Continuing healthcare

What is continuing healthcare?

If you are assessed as having a ‘primary health need’ you may qualify for free support arranged and funded by the NHS. This is known as NHS continuing healthcare. To find out more about continuing healthcare and what it means to have a primary health need, please go to What is continuing healthcare? or go to the NHS website.

How do I get continuing healthcare in North East Lincolnshire?

It is usually a trained professional who makes a referral to the local Continuing Healthcare Team on your behalf. You will be asked to give your consent (agree) to the referral, if you have the mental capacity to give your consent. To find out more about referrals and giving consent go to How do I get continuing healthcare?.

How is eligibility for continuing healthcare decided?

Eligibility for continuing healthcare starts with a checklist, to decide whether you need a full assessment.  Eligibility is decided after a full assessment. To find out more about the checklist and full assessment, and how a decision is made about eligibility go to Eligibility for NHS continuing healthcare or go to the NHS website.

If you are eligible, you can receive continuing healthcare in any setting, for example:

What if I need continuing healthcare quickly?

To learn about fast tracking and when it applies, go to Continuing healthcare: Fast track.

How does continuing healthcare planning work?

To understand what’s included in a care plan, how the plan is reviewed, how your care is funded and the links between continuing healthcare and other sorts of care, go to Continuing healthcare: Care planning and review.

Can I have a personal health budget to help me manage my continuing healthcare?

Anyone eligible for continuing healthcare who is cared for outside of a care home, will be able to ask for a personal health budget. Personal health budgets can give you more choice, flexibility and control over who provides your care and how it is delivered. For more information go to Personal health budgets to help manage continuing healthcare or go to the NHS website.

Can anyone support with me the continuing healthcare process?

You can choose someone to support you with the continuing healthcare process, usually a family member or friend. If you need support with the process but have no one suitable to help, our local advocacy service can support you. To find out more, go to our advocacy page or speak to your social worker or nurse assessor.

How can I get help if I’m a carer of someone who has continuing healthcare?

Carers of anyone who has continuing healthcare can find more information on Continuing healthcare: Support for carers. For more general information on carers’ support go to the Carers’ Portal.

How does continuing healthcare work for young people preparing for adulthood?

For more information about planning for possible continuing healthcare needs as an adult go to Preparing for Adulthood and continuing healthcare. You can also go to our SEND Local Offer site for further information on preparing for adulthood.

You can also read the Department of Health and Social Care’s public information leaflet on continuing healthcare and funded nursing care.

Useful documents

Continuing Health Care Overarching Policy

Micro Commissioning Policy

Operational Policy for NELCCG Personal Health Budgets in NHS Continuing Healthcare

Mental Capacity Act 2005

Page last updated: 31 Jul 2024