Workplace Health and Wellbeing Awards

Looking to improve health and wellbeing within your organisation? Want to be recognised as a health and wellbeing conscious employer?

What do we do?

Workplace Health & Wellbeing offer a FREE awards programme supporting businesses and organisations across NEL, to navigate improving their workplace health & wellbeing culture. Whether it’s our award programmes, or a bespoke programme of support tailored to suit your unique needs, our Workplace Health & Wellbeing Team are here to help.  

Why should you be interested?

Research shows that if you invest time into improving your workplace health and wellbeing culture, you will inevitably impact positively on common key problematic areas in any business:

1. Staff skills and retention
2. Happiness, morale, and aspirations
3. Productivity, performance, and attainment  
4. Absenteeism
5. Presentism
6. Organisational reputation
7. Customer experience

  • Do you value your workforce’s health, wellbeing and mental health?
  • Is navigating where to start and what to implement to ‘really’ make a positive impact confusing?
  • Do you want to be the change?
  • Do you want to be a business that leads by example?
  • Self-employed, SME or a larger corporate business?

If you have answered YES to any of the above, then get in touch to learn what we can achieve together.

Contact NEL Workplace Health & Wellbeing:
Telephone: 01472 325500

Our awards

‘There is no hierarchy in health, wellbeing & mental health.’

“With so many people in our workplaces experiencing mental ill-health, which can lead to further long-term health issues. leaders at all levels have a duty to create cultures where colleagues feel safe in speaking up and seeking help”.

Through years of well documented research around the cost of poor mental health, workplace health initiatives are proving to provide a return investment for any organisation – If invested wisely

NEL Workplace Health and Wellbeing Team, strongly believe that any workplace can provide a supportive culture that encourages mental & physical wellness, given the right support and guidance on how to implement this as a priority into your business.

To create this culture, employers must help their people to thrive through a positive and progressive approach that prioritises staff’s health and wellbeing.

Self-awareness is the key to better understanding self and others and in ensuring individuals seek support and information sooner rather than later, reducing individuals hitting crisis point.

As managers, you can’t manage everyone’s health and wellbeing for them, you need your people to self-manage and the first step to this is self-awareness, but where do you start?

NEL Workplace Health and Wellbeing awards programme, can help you start to make the culture change you may need.

How will the bronze award benefit you as an organisation?

The bronze award is the starting point to building a solid foundation that will hold and develop a positive workplace health and wellbeing culture within your organisation. It is said “to look after your business, you must first look after those that ‘look after’ your business.”

We believe in leading by example and this is why our bronze award is focused on upskilling, supporting and empowering managers and leaders to better understand, apply and approach positive wellbeing culture change in the workplace.

What do you get?

  • A FREE 2 hour introductory workshop for all managers and leaders focusing on the impact of positive workplace health and wellbeing
  • Access to our FREE online training portal ‘The Wellbeing Academy’ giving you access to bitesize training connected to achieving the bronze award
  • 2 x support/advisory meetings
  • Support in developing employee surveys, to help you better understand and support your staff moving forward, giving focus to your time being spent wisely and productively
  •  1 x feedback and next steps meeting
  • Continued telephone support
  • Hugely reduced cost in delivery of MHFA or refresher courses
  • A direct referral path to support self and staff with all areas of health and wellbeing
  • Direct support via our partnership with Navigo
  • Pre – assessment meeting
  • Documented assessment and sign off
  • Award certificate and promotion through all our social media channels
  • Step up to silver award programme

Investing in a positive culture towards health and wellbeing in the workplace, does not always mean investing thousands of pounds, it can simply be investing time and thought, into making small consistent changes whilst implementing and evaluating them over time.

Culture change is work in progress and unfortunately will not happen overnight, but with the right attitude, support, vision, patience and dedication, positive culture change can be infectious and hugely rewarding.

On having completed the bronze award, which is focused on ‘leading by example’ you as an organisation, will hopefully feel empowered and motivated to start implementing change across your workforce around creating a positive workplace health and wellbeing culture, It’s now time to take a deeper look at what your employees are saying and how we together can start to implement strategies of support to create positive wellbeing change

How will the silver award benefit you as an organisation?

The Silver award is the next step into understanding and implementing change with your staff as a priority. This level of award will support and guide you to better understand your wellbeing organisational needs to improve and support staff and how to apply and maintain consistency.

What do you get?

  • Support with communication to your organisation of your staff wellbeing investment
  • Employee survey data analysis
  • All staff access to our FREE online training portal ‘The Wellbeing Academy’ giving you access to bitesize training connected to achieving the silver award.
  • 2 x support/advisory meetings
  • Support in developing and implementing wellbeing strategies into the workplace
  • Development and training of in-house Workplace Health & Wellbeing Champions
  • Support & Guidance in promoting health and wellbeing in the workplace through national & local campaigns and initiatives
  •  1 x Feedback and next steps meeting
  • Continued telephone support
  • Hugely reduced cost in delivery of MHFA or refresher courses
  • A direct referral path to support self and staff with all areas of health and wellbeing
  • Direct support via our partnership with Navigo
  • Access to FREE focus led training/workshops from our working partnerships to improve your knowledge and skills to strengthen your employee support package
  • Pre – assessment meeting
  • Documented assessment and sign off
  • Award certificate and promotion through all our social media channels
  • Step up to gold award programme


of the UK population live with one or more long-term health conditions, and more than 26.6% of these people will also have mental health problems


Cost of presenteeism per employee (monthly)


Cost of mental health issues per employee per year, which negatively impact employee engagement, productivity and reputation

Greater risk

People with cancer, diabetes, asthma, and high blood pressure are at greater risk of a range of mental health problems, such as depression, anxiety and PTSD

ROI in Wellbeing & MH interventions for every £1 invested

Raising awareness: £5.60
Proactive interventions: £5.10
Reactive interventions: £3.40

Better mental health & wellbeing support in the workplace can save UK businesses up to £8 billion annually.

Investing in a positive culture towards health and wellbeing in the workplace, does not always mean investing thousands of pounds, it can simply be investing time and thought, into making small consistent changes whilst implementing and evaluating them over time.

As we have said before, culture change is work in progress and unfortunately will not happen overnight, but you are certainly heading in the right direction and will hopefully start to feel, if not see the changes within your organisation, from staff presenteeism and absenteeism to a sense of community and support amongst your leadership team and employees. Application of right attitude, building support, advocating and sharing your vision, a little patience and dedication all adds to creating a  positive health & wellbeing culture.

On having completed the Silver award, which is focused on ‘implementing Change’ you as an organisation, will now begin to better understand that a little time and investment can help you better understand your workforce giving you a solid foundation to build on to creating a positive health and wellbeing culture for long term and reap the rewards – Happier, healthier and a more connected environment.

How will the gold award benefit you as an organisation?

The Gold award is a step of real commitment to changing your workplace culture long term. Having begun the implementation of positive wellbeing strategies into your workplace, you can now start to really evaluate the progress and change being made. Culture change is not a quick fix and these awarding levels, enable you to understand, support, apply, develop, and maintain a positive workplace health and wellbeing culture. The gold award aims to look at a long-term strategy.

What do you get?

  • Staff wellbeing survey
  • Staff wellbeing survey evaluation & feedback
  • Ongoing access to our FREE online training portal ‘The Wellbeing Academy’ giving you access to bitesize training connected to achieving the gold award
  • Development of policies and procedures
  • Comparison survey on implementation of wellbeing strategies. Focusing on absenteeism and staff turnover
  • Ongoing support and guidance with health and wellbeing promotions – Implementing promotions
  • On-going support for workplace health & wellbeing champion
  • Develop long term strategies

Contact us

Contact us today to speak to one of our team and get started on your workplace wellbeing journey!

You can also complete the contact form with your query, and one of our team will get back to you within 2 working days.

Telephone: 01472 325500