Amber House

Provider Supports

Autism, Hearing impairments, and Mental Health

This residential care home supports adults aged 18-65 primarily with learning disabilities and is owned and operated by Carmand Ltd.

Provider Logo Carmand Forensic Mental Health and Learning Disability Accommodation

About this provider

Carmand is a unique service that provides homely and complete rehabilitation pathways for clients with mental health problems and/or learning disabilities with complex needs. We provide a gateway and offer a smooth and structured transition from a range of services back into the community.

Carmand helps to improve clients own daily living skills, social skills, educational and/or work development as identified through the ‘needs assessment’ process.

About the premises

Our integrated services provide complex care in the community in satellite accommodation with a maximum of six clients per location to ensure successful transition to community living. Carmand has three homes in the Grimsby area. Two are modern suburban houses and one is a more rural setting (waiting for CQC registration). Amber House is registered for up to five people to live there. There are four bedrooms in the main house and a purpose built ground-floor room for wheelchair users. On the ground floor there is a kitchen/diner, a lounge/diner and a second lounge. Set in Humberston, it has ample parking space and good sized gardens to front and rear.


Our costs are commissioned for individualised care needs, including staffing ratios.

Contact Information

01472 884579
Amber House, 154 Grimsby Road, Humberston, DN36 4AQ
Last updated: March 18, 2021