Adult Carers

Help is here

You are not alone, here you can find out what help is out there when you need it.

Are you a Carer? A Carer is someone of any age who looks after a family member, partner, friend or neighbour who needs help because of their illness, frailty, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction and cannot cope without the Carer’s support. The care they give is unpaid (but they may receive Carers Allowance) or informal. If the person you care for has moved into supported living or a care home, you are still considered a Carer.

An adult Carer is someone who cares for another person who is an adult (ie; a person 18 years or over).

The North East Lincolnshire carers strategy document covers strategic positions for 3 years.

Let your GP practice know that you are a Carer and ask if this could be registered on your medical record. Make sure you take advantage of the free NHS flu jab and NHS health checks if you are eligible for one and if not discuss any health concerns with your GP practice.

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Supporting you as a Carer


Advice and information

The Carers’ Support Service provides a range of advice, information and signposting as well as practical and emotional support to Adult and Parent Carers. For general information on what a carer is and what support is available can be found in this short YouTube video.

The SPA is the main health and adult social care point of contact. When calling SPA, you will be given some options to choose from, this enables the SPA to direct your call to the best person able to help you. All lines are open 24 hours a day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year. As a Carer, you are able to use the SPA if your cared for person resides in North East Lincolnshire (NEL) or has an NEL GP practice.

01472 256256 option 1 – is for physical health and provides access to discuss urgent and unplanned health issues.

01472 256256 option 2 – is for adult social care, safeguarding concerns, additional support needs and mobility issues.

01472 256256 option 3 – is for adult mental health.

01472 256256 option 4 – is for the hospital discharge team who will be able to support you with hospital discharge arrangements.

01472 256256 option 5 – is for connectNEL, a 24/7 signposting service.

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Carers health and wellbeing support

The Carers’ Support Service provides a range of advice, information and signposting as well as practical and emotional support including:

  • Information
  • Emotional support
  • Benefits advice
  • Carer groups
  • Training
  • Lifelong learning
  • Counselling
  • Befriending
  • Advocacy
  • Support for Carers of those who misuse substances
  • Carers emergency alert card
  • Holistic therapies
  • Support when caring ends
  • Support for the cared for to allow the Carers to attend Carers support service activities or appointments (Carers of adults only with prior booking and needs assessment)

The Carers’ Support Service can also connect Carers with other sources of information, advice and support, to help ensure they get the right support at the right time, including accessing a Carer’s Needs Assessment.

  • Carers Wellbeing Worker Service, Care Plus Group – 01472 571120

This service supports Carers of older people and Carers of adults with a learning and/or physical disability. This includes when the cared for has moved into residential care or supported housing. The service offers telephone or face to face contact, including home visits, meeting in the community, information, emotional and practical support and social activities. Carers can refer themselves to this service.

  • Carers Support worker for those caring for people with memory impairment – NAViGO – 01472 806800

This service supports Carers of people with dementia and other organic mental health issues. The service offers dedicated one to one support via telephone or face to face contact, including home visits, meeting in the community, information, emotional and practical support.

  • Carers also have access to the Admiral nurses, who are mental health nurses specialising in dementia. The Admiral Nurses work with family Carers and people with dementia, in the community and other settings, using a range of interventions to help people live positively with the condition. Their number is 01472 808500

This service also has an important and handy guide to help you on this journey as a carer.

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Specialist advice – financial/benefits

The below organisations help Carers to maximise their benefits, give advice about debt issues and provide financial advocacy/representation:

  • North East Lincolnshire Carers’ Support Service (specialist advice and information on benefit checks and financial advice) – 01472 242277
  • Citizens Advice Bureau – 01472 252500
  • Centre4 – 01472 236675
  • Jobcentre Plus – 0800 169 0190
  • Pensions Service – 0800 731 7898

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Combining caring with work

Many Carers combine work and caring and a number of Carers find they have to give up work, reduce their hours or move into lower, more flexible positions in order to care. This is also the case for parent Carers. Working Carers have rights – statutory rights (available to everyone) and contractual rights (specific to your contract within your organisation). You can find out helpful information on the Carers UK website . You can also find information about supporting working carers on this short YouTube video.

Carers combining work and caring may also find it useful to talk to their line manager/immediate supervisor and/or HR representative to identify themselves as a Carer. Carers should also check their contract of employment, staff handbook, HR policies or letter of appointment, to see if there are any contractual rights on top of the set statutory ones.

North East Lincolnshire additionally offers an online resource for working Carers called Employers for Carers –this provides training modules for managers, identifies Carer rights and suggests potential flexible options to support Carers to remain in work – Efc Digital (membership code #EFC2217 – you will need to register).

The Jobcentre Plus can support Carers in finding work (0800 169 0190). In addition, there are some job sites that post Carer friendly organisations or job roles and a number of organisations that have “signed up” to being Carer friendly places to work.

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Carers may experience difficulty with housing due to the needs of the person they care for. Or your circumstances may mean you are no longer able to afford the home you are currently living in. The NEL Carers’ Support Service can support you through difficult situations via their advocacy service. You may also benefit from a Specialist Advice appointment to talk through your situation and discuss your options.

For housing advice contact Home choice lincs .

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Carers assessment

All Carers are entitled to ask for a Carers assessment of their needs, independently of their cared for person receiving an assessment. Carers can request it as a combined assessment with their cared for person, or a “stand alone” assessment. If eligible needs are identified, Carers will receive a support plan and a personal budget.

Carer’s needs assessment

Carers UK – help and advice

Carers of adults with mental health concerns – contact NAViGO, 01472 806800

Carers of older adults or those with physical or learning disabilities – contact focus, 01472 256256

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Planning for emergencies

Have you ever wondered what would happen if there was an emergency or crisis situation which prevented you from providing care? Plan for this now, and give yourself peace of mind the Carers’ emergency alert cards .

The Herbert Protocol is a national scheme adopted by Humberside Police. It encourages carers, families, friends or neighbours, to hold information about the person with Dementia or memory impairment that can help the police find them if they do go missing.

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Planning for the future

  • The Carers’ Support Service , 01472 242277, 1 Town Hall Square, Grimsby, DN31 1HY can provide signposting, advice and advocacy support as well as support with forms or processes to plan for the future. If you need advice and support when someone dies visit their information section.

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Caring for someone with palliative care needs or those at end of life

Good life, Good death, Good grief – information leaflets.

The Carers’ Support Service , 01472 242277, 1 Town Hall Square, Grimsby, DN31 1HY offers support, counselling and a bereavement group for those who are on the end of life pathway with their cared for person.

Cruse bereavement care , 07867 312658, email Cruse is a bereavement service focused on offering support, advice and information to bereaved individuals.

St Andrew’s Hospice , 01472 350908, email This service provides free care for people of all ages living with a progressive life-limiting condition and support for their Carers.

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Be scam aware

  • North East Lincolnshire Council COVID-19 fraud and scams information for local residents

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Speak to other carers online

There are many people who, like you, care for others sharing their stories and offering support online. You don’t have to join in conversations, but it might help to see what other people are sharing.

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Being involved

  • The Carers’ Support Service comprises a group of existing and former Carers, representing Carers’ interests; this group acts as an independent voice for Carers across North East Lincolnshire and has a key role in the planning and development of local services and the promotion of Carers’ issues, rights and involvement
  • Accord is a community membership body for North East Lincolnshire that lets all members have a say in how NHS and adult social care money is spent. You can get involved as much or as little as you like

Health and wellbeing

  • Single point of access (SPA) 01472 256256 option 3 – is for adult mental health, you will speak to a trained mental health advisor who will be able to provide you with advice and information to support you, including access to crisis response services
  • NHS support and benefits for carers includes carer’s assessments, respite care and help for young carers
  • Admiral nurses – provide the specialist support that families need
  • Sensory impairment portal – find support, information and advice about living with your sensory loss
  • Dementia portal – living well with Dementia in North East Lincolnshire

Work, money, legal and benefits

Your views are important to us … if you have any queries, complaints, or compliments around the carers services or pathways in North East Lincolnshire please let us know by contacting The Carers’ Support Service or Healthwatch North East Lincolnshire .

Related documents

North East Lincolnshire Carers’ Guide (PDF, 2MB)

Useful websites

Page last updated: 15 Nov 2023